Administration Office
The Administration Office oversees the cities’ water and wastewater utilities and monitors the operations and maintenance contracts with private sector firms related to these facilities. The main focus is to oversee the operation of the water and wastewater services including financial management, capital improvements planning and environmental compliance.
We are here to assist customers with questions, concerns, explaining fees and processes, daily and monthly reporting, calculating water and sewer charges for billing, creating finals and new accounts, creating daily work orders for collection & distribution technicians, pull down electronic meter readings, and entering adjustments etc.
Related responsibilities include serving as the environmental office for the cities on regional efforts to address environment and/or regulatory compliance issues including the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and the Resource Recovery Act.
We are here to assist customers with questions, concerns, explaining fees and processes, daily and monthly reporting, calculating water and sewer charges for billing, creating finals and new accounts, creating daily work orders for collection & distribution technicians, pull down electronic meter readings, and entering adjustments etc.
Related responsibilities include serving as the environmental office for the cities on regional efforts to address environment and/or regulatory compliance issues including the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and the Resource Recovery Act.
Water Treatment PlantKemmerer - Diamondville Water Treatment Plant and Distribution Facilities are two departments, performing complementary functions: The Water Utility is responsible for the cleaning, testing, and pumping potable water to and through the distribution system for domestic, commercial, industrial, and fire protection use in the Kemmerer & Diamondville.
The Water Utility draws water from the Hamsfork River. Water is pumped from the river to the Water Filtration Plant. After going through the filtration and disinfection process at the plant, the water is then sent into the water distribution system. Annual Water Quality Report
Wastewater Treatment PlantKemmerer - Diamondville Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Facilities are two departments, performing complementary functions:
Flushable Wipes
Distribution & CollectionThe Distribution & Collection Utility maintains and repairs the water distribution system, sewer collection system, as well as the elevated water storage tanks and towers. It is also responsible for maintaining and reading water meters for billing purposes.
Water & Wastewater Joint Powers Board
P.O. Box 1020
1004 Elk Street
Kemmerer, WY 83101
(307) 877-2261
Copyright © Kemmerer & Diamondville Water and Wastewater Joint Powers Board. All rights reserved